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  • July 2023: SysML v2 beta specifications adopted. The OMG Systems Modeling Language™ Version 2 beta specifications were adopted by the OMG on June 30, 2023. The SysML v2 submission concluded five years of development, resulting in three specifications and an open-source pilot implementation to validate them. The specifications include the Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) specification version 1.0 beta, the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) specification version 2.0 beta, and the Systems Modeling Application Programming Interface (API) and Services specification version 1.0 beta. These specifications enable next-generation systems modeling with improved precision, expressiveness, consistency, usability, interoperability, and extensibility over SysML version 1. Refer to the OMG press release that includes statements of support from twelve (12) tool vendors.
  • December 2022: SysML v1. 7 release. The OMG Systems Modeling Language™ Version 1.7 was adopted in December 2022. The specification is available at The SysML v1.7 specification is the first SysML specification that was built entirely with a model. SysML v1.7 is expected to be the final version of the SysML v1.x specifications before proceeding to SysML v2. This update includes:
    • The non-normative Annex H was added to define the precise execution semantics for a subset of the SysML stereotypes. These semantics are built on top of fUML (Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models) and its PSCS extension (Precise Semantics of UML Composite Structure).
    • OCL specifications were added to most of the stereotype constraints to formalize the interpretation of their textual description.
    • The port conjugation mechanism which reverses the direction of the port features was modified to apply to the port type instead of to the port usage to ensure consistency with SysML proxy and full ports.
    • The sample problem in Annex D which illustrates a practical application of SysML has been substantially updated.
  • December 2019: SysML v1. 6 release. The OMG Systems Modeling Language™ Version 1.6 (formal specification formal/2019-11-01) was adopted in December 2019. The specification is available at  The update includes some relatively minor notational changes from SysML v1.5. A significant change for SysML v1.6 is that the stereotype constraints now have a formal OCL specification in addition to their textual description, except a few stereotypes that cannot be expressed in OCL. A more detailed description of the changes can be found on one of the SysML v1.6 co-chairs blog page at
  • June 2018: SysML v2 API and Services RFP issued. A Request for Proposal (RFP) for SysML® v2 API and Services was issued at the June, 2018 OMG meeting in Boston, and is complementary to the SysML v2 RFP, which was issued in December, 2017. This RFP is intended to enable interoperability between SysML modeling tools and other model-based engineering tools.
  • January 2018: SysML v2 RFP issued. A Request for Proposal (RFP) for SysML® v2 was issued at the December, 2017 OMG meeting in Burlingame culminating a 1.5 year effort to develop the requirements for the next generation of SysML. SysML v2 is intended to improve the precision, expressiveness, and usability relative to SysML v1. A complementary RFP entitled the “SysML v2 API and Services RFP” is also being developed to enable interoperability between SysML modeling tools and other model-based engineering tools. A more detailed announcement can be found at the SysML v2.
  • May 2017: SysML v1. 5 release. The OMG Systems Modeling Language™ Version 1.5 (formal specification formal/2017-05-01) was released in May 2017.  The specification is available at A primary change from SysML v1.4 is the introduction of an Abstract Requirement that can be extended to support other kinds of requirements such as property-based requirements (refer to Annex E.8).
  • May 2017: SysML published as an ISO Standard. SysML has been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as a full International Standard (IS). The short title is “ISO/IEC 19514:2017” and the full title is "ISO/IEC 19514:2017, Information technology -- Object management group systems modeling language (OMG SysML®)". The direct catalogue reference is, and a preview of the IS is available at


* The OMG SysML Tutorial is available for download in pdf. (Note: Because this is a large 11.9MB file, it is recommended that you save to your desktop by right clicking and save target)






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